About Us

About Us

Roots for Equity was formed in 1997 and formally registered in 2000. The organization works with the most vulnerable, marginalized communities that include small and landless farmers, women and religious minorities in the rural and urban sector. The inequities in society are a result of the oppression and exploitative forces of feudalism, imperialist corporate hegemony often termed as globalization, and patriarchy. We believe that a democratic base is essential for the social and economic development of the country. This is not possible without mobilization of communities themselves; no doubt only socially conscious and politically active communities can demand and achieve social justice. Roots remains committed to being an active part of communities’ struggle to  achieve political, social, environmental and economic justice.


Our Mission

Our mission is to strengthen communities and movements for attaining political, economic, social and environmental justice.


Our Vision

Our vision is a genuinely democratic society with its people free from inequities, marginalization and exploitation.


Our Objectives

(i) Organizing and mobilizing grass root communities and movements for attaining basic rights;

(ii) Action research in collaboration with impacted vulnerable communities on issues and impacts of globalization, patriarchy, and feudalism;

(iii) Capacity building of grass root leaders and creating a grass roots knowledge base for attaining social justice;

(iv) Engaging with people’s organizations and movements to amplify the voices of the most marginalized sectors of our society, locally, nationally and internationally.

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