The Need for a United Front in face of Imperialist Wars, Debt and Climate Crises and Inequities

The Pakistan Kissan Mazdoor Tehreek (PKMT), held its 17th GA, titled “The Need for a United Front in face of Imperialist Wars, Debt and Climate Crises and Inequities.” in Lahore, Pakistan on November 30-Dec 1, 2024. The keynote was presented by Sharanya Nayak, from “Indigenous Peoples’ Land Life Knowledge Collective, India,” also an ILPS member provided a brilliant analysis on the compradors’ role in fueling the war machinery through the rape of indigenous land, killings and persecution of indigenous people in India, as well as in supplying arms and ammunition to Zionists against Palestine. The peasant farmers and workers detailed the misery and deprivation suffered at the collusion of the ruling elite of the country and imperialist institutions such as the international financial and trade investment institutions. Given the rise in fascism in Pakistan as well as globally, PKMT undertook a firm resolve to be part of building a united front of the progressive forces in the country to fight against fascist imperialist forces. A rally was held in solidarity with Palestine against the U.S.-led Zionist genocide in Gaza.

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